Transportation Master Plan Update

The Town of East Gwillimbury (EG) is currently updating the 2010 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) study.

The TMP will identify the long-term transportation goals of the Town. It will also identify specific solutions requiring further study. Transportation is an essential part of our community. It is one of the primary factors driving the Town's environmental, economic, and social sustainability. The Plan will provide a blueprint for the Town to advance the development of its long-term transportation network. This is all in support of its vision for a safe, accessible, and livable community.

Goals and Objectives

  • Reviewing the short-term action items identified in the Town's 2010 Master Plan. Then providing an update on the York Region's 2016 TMP and outlining its impacts on the Town.
  • Assessing the current transportation network.
  • Identifying gaps and opportunities for all travel modes. Including the consideration of provincial, regional, and adjacent municipal plans and emerging transportation trends.
  • Meeting the requirements of Phases one and two of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process by assessing current travel conditions; the impacts of growth and defining these issues in a problem and opportunity statement; identifying and evaluating alternative solutions to address the problem and opportunity statement; and selecting a preferred alternative for a sustainable, multimodal transportation network that decreases auto dependency and is accessible to all.
  • Reaching out to the public and stakeholders through public engagement process.
  • Identifying policies that support the recommended multimodal network.
  • Manage travel demand in peak periods. Including Travel Demand Management. Transit-oriented development policies, traffic safety and calming and community-oriented traffic control policies.
  • Establishing detailed action, implementation and monitoring plans for transportation network initiatives that are carried through to a “project ready” mode.
  • Provide input to the Town's Official Plan and Development Charges Background Study.

The TMP builds on the ideas conveyed in the Sustainable Planning Guidelines report. (developed by Transport Canada and the Transportation Association of Canada). Furthermore, it is supported by the Province of Ontario's Places to Grow Act and adheres to the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process.

Public Information Centres (PIC)

On March 22, 2018, the Town hosted its Public Information Centre. Materials related to the first Public Open House can be found here: 

On April 10, 2019, the Town hosted a Public Information Centre. Materials related to the second Public Open House can be found here: 

On October 8, 2019, Council received a presentation of the draft of the TMP findings. It is also available for review and comment by the public at the Community Open House that evening. 

Once all comments are compiled, staff intend to seek Council's support of the Master Plan before year's end.

On APril 26, 2023 EG hosted a third PIC to review draft recommendations and hear feedback.


The East Gwillimbury TMP Final Report will be available online from April 10 to May 10, 2024 for review for 30 calendar days at Hardcopies are also available for review at:

Town of East Gwillimbury Civic Centre
19000 Leslie Street
Sharon, Ontario L0G 1V0
Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Interested persons may provide written comments to the project team by May 10, 2024. All comments and concerns should be sent to:

Jamal Massadeh, P. Eng.
Senior Traffic and Transportation Technologist
Town of East Gwillimbury
19000 Leslie Street
Sharon, Ontario L0G 1V0
Tel: 905-478-4283 ext. 1224

Jonathan Chai, P. Eng.
Consultant Project Manager
HDR Corporation
100 York Boulevard, Suite 300
Richmond Hill ON L4B 1J8
Phone: 289-695-4629


Transportation Master Plan and Appendices



You can email the Senior Traffic & Transportation Technologist.